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Jan. 10, 2022

000 What is Raising Descendants?

000 What is Raising Descendants?

In a world of Instagram Influencers, Snapchat Filters, TikTok Challenges and everything else pulling at our families, how do you raise a child to know, love, and obey God? It is really as straight forward as seeing yourself not as just a parents, but as a person anointed by God to raise the descendants of his kingdom. When you shift you mind to being a descendant maker, your relationship with your children change.  You go from being a list checker (pick up kids, pack lunch, practice from 4-5...) just trying to getting through another day to an intentional parent guiding your child to find, experience, and live out their own faith. Cindy Lemon is a Vanderbilt trained Nurse Practitioner who specializes in child and adolescent mental health and has worked in children's mental health for over 20 years. Mike Lemon is a Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Detective who hunted online predators for over 15 years.  Now, Mike focuses on preventing this evil by training over 50,000 parents, kids, and out involved professionals how to keep kids safe while they are online. Cindy and Mike have been married for over 20 years and have 5 boys (thats a whole other story we will dive into). For now, we want to lock arms with parents (bio, step, adoptive, foster...) to walk together as we do not just raise our children.  We are Raising Descendants.

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Here are some great episodes to start with.